Wasabi Cultivation - Mountain Grown Wasabi
Wasabi is quite picky about its growing conditions

Wasabia japonica grows in northern Japan, parts of China, Taiwan, Korea and New Zealand. Wasabi cultivation In North America has been successful in the rain forests found on the Oregon Coast and in parts of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina and Tennessee provide just the right balance of climate, sunlight and water quality to grow natural wasabi. Limited success growing wasabi has been achieved by firms using greenhouse and/or hydroponic techniques, but the resulting costs are typically quite high. In Japan, the highest prices are paid for all natural, water grown "sawa" wasabi.
Wasabia japonica plants can take as much as three years to reach maturity. Initially, with the right growing requirements in place, the wasabi plant produces robust top and root growth, reaching approximate knee height (2 feet) with an overall width about the same. After this initial establishment phase the rhizome begins to build and store reproductive nutrients. It is this concentration of energy which produces the best flavors, so the rhizomes are generally the most valued for culinary purposes. Typically, the rhizome will reach a size of six to eight inches long and an inch or so in diameter in approximately twenty-four months.
Wasabi leaves and leaf stems (petioles) tend to be brittle. Breakage or damage from animals, field workers or mishandling can cause growth to slow and sometimes even stop for short periods of time.
Under optimum Wasabi growing conditions, Wasabia japonica will reproduce itself by seed. In commercial wasabi farms, plant stock is typically extended by replanting small offshoots which characteristically occur as the plant matures.
Stalking the rare and elusive Wasabia japonica plant...
The wasabi rhizome serves as storage for the plant's nutrients (similar to a potato). It is this concentration of energy which produces the best flavors, so the rhizomes are generally the most valued for culinary purposes. Its appearance is similar to a brussel sprout stalk after sprouts are removed. The white roots emerging from the bottom of the rhizome can become long.
The long stems (petioles) of the Wasabia japonica plant emerge from the rhizome to grow to a length of 12 to 18 inches and can reach a diameter of up to 40 mm (1 ½ in). They terminate into single, heart shaped leaves that, in optimum conditions, can reach the size of a dinner plate. The leaves and leaf stems (petioles) tend to be quite brittle. Breakage or damage from animals, field workers or mishandling can cause growth to slow and even stop for short periods of time.
Under optimum conditions, Wasabia japonica will reproduce itself by seed. Since it is highly valued, new planting material is also propagated in laboratories via tissue culture techniques. In commercial wasabi farms, plant stock is further extended by replanting small offshoots which characteristically occur as Wasabia japonica matures.

Mountain Regions where Wasabi Grows the best